01 Dec 11. Forum Italiano Ambient Assisted Living (01.12.2020, Online)
Pharaon will participate in the Forum Italiano Ambient Assisted Living (ForItAAL), the annual Italian event on innovative technologies and services for age-friendly environments. Laura Fiorini, SSSA, will present ” Personalized Integrated care for frail seniors within the Pharaon Project: the Italian pilot site” virtually on 1 December at 10:00am CET.
At ForItAAL, companies, stakeholders and policy makers, associations, universities and research bodies discuss the challenges related to demographic changes and the independence of people: at home and in the workplace, in the cities where we live and in means of transport that we use, in tourism and sport. The objective is to promote the design, development and adoption of innovative technologies and services and thus support active aging and the well-being of citizens.
The Forum is organized by the University of Padua through the Human Inspired Technologies Research Center and the Regional Innovative Network “ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living” with the contribution of the Italian National Technological Cluster on Technologies for Living Environments.
The conference language is Italian.
When: 10:00am, 1 December 2020
Where: Online
More information about the conference in Italian: http://www.foritaal2020.it/