16 Apr Pharaon: a resource for our local services (Online, 16 April 2021) – in Italian
The Italian Pharaon pilot will organize a webinar in Italian on 16 April 2021 to present the Pharaon project and to discuss its potential with representatives of local social services.
One of the main objectives of Pharaon project is to improve the customization level of provided homecare services integrating the available technologies. The use of devices and tools to systematically collect and analyse data about life conditions of the older person allows for a better coordination between service provider and local institution procuring services, helping the latter in the review of interventions planned.
Therefore, the opportunities offered by the Pharaon project have a huge impact in socialization and social inclusion, and all partners of the Italian pilot are interested in sharing them with service providers, families and local public entities to be stably set into the offer of interventions to support frailties.
To make this integration process real, it’s necessary to share know-how and skills, to exchange experiences and knowledge.
When: 16 April 2021 from 09.00 to 12.30
Where: online Zoom meeting
Registration: free but mandatory https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvce2qpzwiGdzYW1-PbGMI4cGTXw2Cg1-f