Pharaon will participate in a special session at the EAI GOODTECHS 2021 - 7th  EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good taking place from the 15th to the 17th of September 2021. The special session will be organised by Sheldon, which includes...

Pharaon will feature in the online Vitaal Café on 1 July 2021 under the Heading "Fifty Shades of Gray (Pharaon project)". The online café is an opportunity for older people from Twente to speak about technology use. How do they view technology use to stay healthy...

Pharaon partner Autonom'Lab will participate in the European Covenant on Demographic Change's webinar session THE GRASSROOT EXPERIENCE DURING COVID19 | ENABLERS AND CHALLENGES. Organised for the Covenant by Pharaon partner Caritas Coimbra, in collaboration with SHINE 2Europe and the ECHAlliance, it will take place on June...

Pharaon Technical Manager Rafael Maestre will participate in SHAPES' 3rd Dialogue workshop on "Technological platforms and healthy ageing: challenges and opportunities". The workshop takes place on 27 April 2021 from 09:00 to 13:30 and will focus on: Identifying the challenges that arise throughout the different...

Pharaon Coordinator Prof. Filippo Cavallo will present Pharaon in the context of two workshops of the European Robotics Forum: • The Role of Robotic Companions in the New Paradigm of Industry 5.0 • Socially useful robots in the era of social distancing and new normal – the...

Pharaon will participate in the 5th AgeingFit Conference taking place online on 25-28 January 2021. AgeingFit is the European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector. Silver Health covers the fields of prevention allowing seniors to be autonomous and in « good health »...

Pharaon reaches out globally and will participate in OzCHI 2020, taking place online on 2-4 December 2020. Dutch Pilot Partners Kira Oberschmidt, Christiane Grünloh, Sefora Tunc, Lex van Velsen, and Femke Nijboer will present their co-designing approach used in Pharaon under the heading "You can’t always...