08 Dec Congratulations to the Pharaon 2nd open call winners!
Congratulations to the 12 projects that will be funded under the 2nd Pharaon Open Call!
The 2nd Open Call was launched on July 31 2023 and closed on 30 September 2023. In total, 41 proposals from 14 countries were received: Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Poland, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
The majority of the applications were submitted by SMEs (37). A significant amount of proposals was also coming from non-for-profit organisations, associations, NGO, foundations (21), research entities (14), secondary or higher education organisations (12), public body (4), and large enterprise (2).
Nineteen proposals passed the administrative review and addressed the following specific actions (SA):
- To expand the capabilities of the Pharaon ecosystem by bringing new digital solutions and technologies that address one or more of the Pharaon Challenges à 19 proposals
- To extend the reach of Pharaon beyond the boundaries of the current pilots by implementing new pilots with their own users that validate the selected digital solutions and technologies. The consortia will have to bring the new users and manage the pilot implementation and follow up à 19 proposals
- To demonstrate that the Pharaon interoperability tools provide a robust and easy-to-use framework that will facilitate Pharaon ecosystem evolution and thus its sustainability. This will be achieved through the integration of each of the selected digital solutions with the Pharaon Hub and its interoperation with at least one of the Pharaon components à 16 proposals
Finally, the 12 best rated proposals became eligible for funding and we’re looking forward to seeing their implementation!
More details about the 2nd open call can be found on the Open Call 2 page (click here)