03 Jun Contribute to Pharaon research: imagine a life in older age without loneliness
Pharaon researchers appeal to your imagination: how to live a life in older age without loneliness? Together with the Dutch newspaper Tubantia, researchers of the University of Twente are calling on people to use their imagination to come up with innovations that make for a good life in old age without loneliness.
The team is now looking for ideas and anyone can contribute. The reaction can be in any form: a story, a list, a comic, a drawing, a video. It can be realistic or science fiction, futuristic or experimental – all entries will be used for the research.
Provide your input
– by post to Project Neenzaam, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede,
– by e-mail to neenzaam@utwente.nl
– by filling out an online form via www.tubantia.nl/neenzaam (form is only in Dutch).
Deadline has been extended to 19 June 2020!
Read the front page article, the dilemmas and how to participate in Tubantia (in Dutch only):