01 Apr ELIGENCE – Pharaon Second Open Call winner
Project Partners: Maggioli SPA (MAGG), Athens Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (AA), “SCIENCE FOR YOU” PNPC – SciFY (SciFY)
Country: Greece
Eligence is a mature cognitive stimulation platform developed by MAGG intended for people with mild cognitive impairment and adults undergoing rehabilitation speech and occupational therapy. Eligence enables the caregivers of those individuals to timely identify a possible sudden mental decline and delay the development of dementia. It comprises a highly portable, user friendly and scientifically validated tool that introduces novel methods of synchronous and asynchronous cognitive training with higher and measurable impact on the prevention and delay of cognitive deterioration. Eligence envisions to be integrated with PHARAON Hub and the Discovery component, pursuing mutual benefits from the knowledge and information exchange with this relevant project. Moreover, in the framework of this project, Eligence will include two additional cognitive stimulation games co-designed by AA and SciFy. The newly integrated solution will be validated in a Greek pilot (clinical study) at the daycare centres of AA.