20 Oct Findings from Workshop: Large-Scale Pilots driving innovation ecosystems for ageing well (20 October 2021, H15:00 – 15:55, online)
Pharaon took part in the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing, coordinating the online workshop ”Large-Scale Pilots driving innovation ecosystems for ageing well (20 October 2021, H15:00 – 15:55)
Jointly driven by four Large-Scale Pilots projects, the session placed the following use cases under the spotlight:
- GATEKEEPER: Ageing population at risk of frailty and/or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Apulia, Italy
- PHARAON: From driving together to thriving together: community building in an existing PlusBus service, Netherlands
- SHAPES: One piece of a LSP puzzle – Healthy Ageing in Rural Areas: the HealthRegion CologneBonn – Oberbergischer Kreis, Germany
- SMARTBEAR: Big data platforms to help with hearing loss, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment, balance disorders, depression and frailty, Romania + Spain
The projects recognized how they can mutually benefit from each other’s work, towards an integrated ecosystem for healthy and active ageing.
Supported by the OPEN DEI project, all four Large-Scale Pilot projects question themselves about the development of their markets. It emerged very rapidly that data and data management are key for any exploitation phase, as well for building new knowledge and services, and they are truly essential for any ecosystem.
Only by joining forces, an integrated ecosystem can see the light, and be able to profit more and more citizens across the European Union.
? A next occasion to debate about these issues is the EHTEL Symposium, on 30th of November – 1th December 2021: https://www.ehtel.eu/events/127-2021-thought-leader-ehtel-symposium.html