12 Jun Kick-off CEN Workshop Agreement on ‘Guidelines on Action Research for Large Scale Piloting’ (17 July 2023, online)
Pharaon will start the development of a specification on ‘Guidelines on Action Research for Large Scale Piloting’ with an online workshop on 17 July 2023 at 10:00 – 13:00 CEST.
This workshop is intended to mainly be used by researchers and pilot managers, but can also be useful to other involved stakeholders like health and care providers, ethics boards and technology providers.
The aims of the workshop are to:
- define Action Research and its role in large scale pilots;
- identify the key stakeholders involved;
- outline the necessary steps to conduct Action Research including planning, pre-validation, deployment, data collection and analysis;
- provide guidance on ethical consideration;
- address challenges and solutions like managing data, communication and collaboration among stakeholders;
- specify ways to ensure the sustainability and scalability of the Action Research outcomes;
- outline key competencies and skills researchers and other stakeholders need to conduct Action Research;
- establish a framework for the identification of opportunities for future research and collaboration in this area.
Requests to participate in the Workshop and/or comments on the project plan are to be submitted by 10 July 2023 the latest to the Secretariat of the Workshop, Dr Madlen Schmudde (Madlen.Schmudde@din.de).
More information on the draft project plan, draft agenda for the workshop, the commenting form and workshop registration form can be found on the CEN/CENELEC website (click here)