19 Feb Navigating IoT Architectures and Standards Days (19-21.02.2020, Brussels, Belgium)
Pharaon’s Coordinator Dr. Filippo Cavallo, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Biorobotics Insititute, will participate in the “Navigating IoT Architectures and Standards Days” taking place on 19-21 February 2020 in Brussels. The event will include keynotes, plenary and expert workshop sessions bringing answers to what has been achieved and what remains to be done by the IoT and DEI Large-Scale Pilots Programme funded under Horizon 2020.
When: 19-21 February 2020
Where: DG Connect, European Commission, Avenue de Beaulieu 25, Room BU25 0/S1, 1160 Brussels, Belgium
Click here for more information on programme and registration