New Pharaon publication: Facilitating active stakeholder involvement in eHealth projects

Kira Oberschmidt’s PhD research is situated within the Pharaon project and investigates the action research that is conducted in each pilot from a meta-perspective. The collection of appropriate information as input for such action research guidelines is part of her thesis.
She follows the definition of action research as described by Reason and Bradbury (2013), according to which action research contains different cycles of planning, action and evaluation of this action. Stakeholders are involved as co-researcher in action research projects. This active role of the stakeholders is the main focus of her thesis. Another key aspect of action research is that it takes place within the community, so changes are made and evaluated directly. Even though it is still mainly used in educational research, action research fits well within the domain of human-computer interaction (HCI) research (Hayes, 2011).

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Kira Oberschmidt (2021): Facilitating active stakeholder involvement in eHealth projects. In: Proceedings of
the 19th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on
Practice-centred Computing on the Design of Cooperation Technologies, Reports of the European Society for
Socially Embedded Technologies (ISSN 2510-2591), DOI: 10.18420/ecscw2021_dc004