05 Dec Pharaon Murcia pilot wins award at Congress for Healthcare Quality
From October 25th to 27th, Murcia hosted the XXXIX Congress of the Spanish Society for Healthcare Quality (SECA) and the XIV Regional Congress of Healthcare Quality (SOMUCA). This event provided a conducive environment for different healthcare professionals – quality managers, directors, clinicians, nurses, IT etc. – to collaborate, exchange studies, and share experiences. The focus was on generating innovative ideas to directly enhance healthcare quality and reinforce the safety, efficacy, and efficiency of the current healthcare system. This event brought together more than 850 attendees.
During the event, professionals from the Pharaon Pilot in Murcia presented three oral communications discussing the project. Managed by the Department of Innovation of the Murcian Health Service, this pilot implements an innovative healthcare model known as “liquid care.” The primary goal is to improve the quality of life for older people through new technologies, making healthcare more accessible, personalized, and proactive. The model also relies on objective signs and predictors of complications. Specifically, the pilot targets users with chronic heart failure, addressing their complex health needs, high prevalence, morbidity, and cost.
Excitingly, the Murcian pilot received the award for the best communication presented in the Region of Murcia, titled “Improving Healthcare Quality through Liquid Care.” This recognition emphasizes the necessity of implementing disruptive measures to enhance the healthcare quality for users of the system. In this context, liquid care and new technologies can be valuable allies.
Congratulations to the team!