19 Sep Pharaon presented as social innovation at Caritas Europe event
The Innovation Deep Dive Days 2024 took place in September 2024 and Pharaon partner Cáritas Coimbra was one of the institutions to attend. This was an important European event that brought together the 9 winners of the last edition’s Caritas Europa Innovation Festival, among other institutions, with the clear aim of debating and boosting innovation in the social sector. The meeting took place between 10 and 12 September in Bratislava (Slovakia), organised by Caritas Europa in cooperation with Caritas Slovak. On that occasion, Cáritas Coimbra had the opportunity to present the Portuguese pilot of the Pharaon project and share its experience in the field of social innovation.
Caritas Europa, committed to finding new solutions to social problems, invited innovative projects from various European countries to share innovative social practices and promote the exchange of experiences. Representatives of international charities assessed the sustainability of the projects and their potential to impact different populations. Together, they introduced ways to increase the impact of these solutions and reach even more people.