29 Apr Pharaon presents lessons learned at ICT for ageing well conference
Laura Fiorini, University of Florence, presented lessons learned from the Italian Pilots in a keynote presentation at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and eHealth on 29 April 2024 in Angers, France to about 50 people. Under the heading “Barrier and opportunities to develop personalized services to foster active aging: lesson learned from Italian Pilots” the Italian Pilot Coordinator talked about how the Pharaon Italian pilot proposed and tested personalised integrated care with the support of caregivers. Currently, two use cases where frail older adults are monitored at home and provided with stimulation and socialization services have been tested in two regions in Italy. Her talk specially emphasised the barriers encountered as well as on opportunities related to technology use and its impact on the social conditions in the acceptance and the usability of the technology.