23 Jun Portuguese Pharaon pilot holds 3rd co-creation session
Our Portuguese Pharaon pilot leader Cáritas Coimbra, hosted the third co-creation group session to gather requirements to build two digital platforms. This meeting was aimed stakeholders from different backgrounds in the field of healthy and active ageing, to complement the insights of older persons living in residential homes and formal caregivers that were gathered in previous sessions.
This session allowed to collect more feedback from a plurality of stakeholders about the b-learning platforms “Carers Campus”, managed by formal and informal carers, and about “Social Incubator” which is a digital platform that targets the publication of services, products and events.
As potential invested parts of the material outcome of this project, the meeting consisted of professionals from the Medicine School of The University of Coimbra; an organization providing care to older persons; a governmental Organization; PhD Sports students who specialized in active and healthy ageing; the University of Letters – Geography and Tourism and a county representative.
Pharaon’s goal is to test services and digital applications that might be distributed and used by older persons, with the aim to improve their autonomy, safety and abilities.