27 Oct Sustainable Places (27-30.10.2020, Online)
Pharaon Coordinator Filippo Cavallo, BioRobotics Institute at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy, and Cáritas Coimbra, represented by its Innovation Director, Carina Dantas will participate in the Sustainable Housing Supporting Health and Well-being Workshop on the 4th day of the Sustainable Places 2020 Conference. The workshop will take place on Friday, October 30th and starts at 9:00 am, with the intervention of Cáritas Coimbra scheduled for 11:10 am.
This workshop will bring together a selection of EU-supported initiatives which are developing innovation solutions for supporting the development of investment in sustainable housing which supports health and well-being of its occupants. Projects will present their research, as well as discuss and benchmark potential challenges that they face together.
Carina Dantas will present the theme “Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments – policy and implementation” and she will bring to the public the translation of this concept into several projects, such as Pharaon, Net4Agefriendly, Hands-on-SHAFE, Smartwork, EU-SHAFE and the policy work derived from SHAFE.
The experience of Pharaon will be deepened by its project coordinator Filippo Cavallo during the workshop.
When: 30 October 2020, 09:00am
Where: Online
More information about the workshop can be found at the event website (click here)